English grammar (Personal Pronouns)
A. Penggolongan Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns (kata ganti orang) dapat di bagi menjadi:
a. Subjective Pronouns, yaitu kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai subjek dalam kalimat.
I, you, they, we, she, he, it.
b. Objective Pronouns, yaitu kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai objek dalam kalimat.
Me, you, them, us, her, him, it.
c. Possessive Adjective, adalah possessive pronouns dan pemakainnya harus dengan kata benda.
My, your, their, our, her, his, its.
e.g.: This is your pen.
That is my house.
d. Possessive Pronouns, yaitu kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai kata ganti empunya (pronomina persona possesif).
Mine, yours, theirs, ours, hers, his, its.
e.g.: This book is yours.
That dog is mine.
B. Personal Pronouns (with nouns, indefinite pronouns, collective nouns).
Kata- kata yang cocok dengan Personal Pronouns adalah berberapa kata benda (nouns), kata ganti tidak tertentu (indefinite pronouns) dan kata benda kolektif (Collective Nouns).
a. Personal Pronouns with nouns
1. Kata Ganti Tunggal (singular pronouns): he, she, it. Digunakan untuk menunjuk pada kata benda tunggal.
- A student walked into the room. She was looking for the teacher.
2. Kata ganti jamak (plural pronouns): they. Digunakan untuk menunjuk pada kata benda jamak.
- some students walked into the room. They was looking for the teacher.
3. Dengan generic noun
Digunakan untuk kata ganti feminim (she) dan kata ganti maskulin (he).
- A student should always do his/her assignments.
b. Personal Pronouns with Indefinite Pronouns.
Yang dimaksud dengan Indefinite Pronouns, adalah:
Everyone Someone Anyone Noone
Everybody Somebody Anybody Nobody
Everything Something Anything Nothing
1. Dalam Formal English kata ganti personal pronouns digunakan untuk menunjukkan pada indefinite pronouns: she/he.
- Sombody left his book on the desk.
- Everyone has his/her own ideas.
2. Dalam Informal English sehari-hari, Plural Personal Pronoums sering digunakan untuk menunjukka ke indefinite pronoun: they.
- Somebody left their book on the desk.
- Everyone has their own ideas.
c. Personal Pronouns with Collective Nouns.
Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh dari Collective Nouns:
audience couple family public
class crowd goverment staff
committee faculty group team
1. Jika suatu Collective Nouns menunjuk pada suatu Single Impersonal Unit, maka di gunakan a Singular (it).
- My family is large. It is composed of nine members.
2. Jika suatu Collective Nouns menunjuk pada kumpulan dari berbagai individual, maka digunakanlah kata ganti jamak (they, them, their).
- My family is loving and supportive. They are always ready to help me.
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