English Grammar (Some and Any)
Some berarti beberapa/sedikit dan dipakai dalam kalimat berita, sedangakan Any berarti satupun/sedikit pun, dipakai dalam kalimat tanya dan kalimat negatif yang dapat diganti dengan "no".
Some digunakan dalam affirmative sentences/positive sentences. Sedangkan any digunakan dalam negative sentences dan questions (interrogative sentences).
- The teacher taught us some important rules of grammar.
- The teacher did not teach us any important rules of grammar.
- Did the teacher teach us any important rules of grammar?
Perhatikan penggunaan some dan any dalam affirmative sentences, negative sentences dan interrogative sentences.
- Justin used some Brisk pomade.
- Justin did not use any Brisk pomade.
- Did Justin use any Brisk pomade?
Some berarti "beberapa" (untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung) dan "sedikit" (untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung).
Countable noun (kata benda dapat dihitung)
- Every week i buy some envelopes.
- Every week i don't buy any envelopes.
- Do i buy any envelopes every week?
Uncountable noun (kata benda tidak dapat dihitung)
- Mother gave some bread to father.
- Mother did not give any bread to father.
- Did mother give any bread to father?
a. Some di gunakan untuk Positive sentences.
Any di gunakan untuk Negative dan questions sentences.
b. Bentuk kalimat pertanyaan (Interrogative sentences questions) umumnya Menggunakan any, kecuali untuk menawarkan sesuatu, maka di gunakan some.
- Do you want some tea?
- Do you want something to drink?
c. Refuse, without, never, kita dapat menggunakan any.
- He refused to see any body.
- You cab come without anyone.
- I never see anybody in that student discussion group.
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